Dots & Girls is first and foremost a puzzle game. The goal is to connect the dots without crossing any lines. Upon completion, you are rewarded with a lewd pic and sent to the next level. I’ll take a look at both of these aspects individually.

The game starts out fairly easy, showing you how to play and asking that you form some simple shapes. Not long after, you are given dots that will have intersecting lines if not connected in the proper order. While this may still sound simple, it escalates quickly in to some frustrating trial and error. I found myself getting stuck more often than I’d care to admit, and I felt relieved instead of satisfied when eventually clearing a puzzle.

Unfortunately, the art you are rewarded with is just a simple picture of mediocre quality that pops up next to the completion screen. The art itself looks very dated and of amateur quality. You are treated to a gallery to revisit these pictures, but in my opinion they aren’t worth the small amount of effort. The gallery thumbnails are stretched way beyond their original aspect ratio, which adds an additional layer of unpolishedness.

The only options available in-game are volume sliders and a save progress reset. No resolution or screen mode options are present, however I was able to switch to windowed mode by using Alt-Enter. This does little good though as you are unable to maximize or resize the game window at all. The music leaves me with no room for criticism. While in no way remarkable, it is relaxing for the most part and played its role in the background accordingly.

Neither the puzzle nor the adult aspects of this game were made well enough for me to enjoy. The screenshots provided by Steam do paint a good picture of the full game, so if this review isn’t convincing enough they may help you otherwise.